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Writer's pictureJoy Grace

The Greatest Man on Earth

I have learned many things in life about how to live. I have learned the golden rule, not to hit, to be kind, and be gracious. I have learned how to be a lady, how to have fun, and how to take care of others. I have learned to put others first and be compassionate, but don't let people walk over you. I have learned to work hard at all I do and do it as if working for the Lord. I have learned the importance of spending time with those you love and even those you don't always like. I have learned a lot in my 22, almost 23 years.

However, none of that compares to the life lessons my Papa has learned in his 86 years. I wanted to share a few of them with you today.


Life Lessons from The Greatest Man on Earth

- Always Have a Plan

"To have a plan, one must always write it down or you will forget to carry out the plan. Always have writing materials near you or you will forget to write your plan down."

Papa always keeps a list of anything and everything. Going to the store? Make a list. What will you do today? Make a list. He lives by this. I have implemented it in my life, keeping a planner and listing out everything that I need to do. I can assure that he is right. When I don't have a plan, I miss out on things. I spend too much time on social media and not enough time with God, or I forget, like he says, somewhere I need to be and end up having to cancel plans. No one wants to cancel plans. So, if you want a clutter free life, make a plan.


When you make that plan, leave a little room for spontaneity! :)

- Its Okay to Eat Dessert First

I cannot count how many times I asked Papa what he ate for breakfast and he responded:

"Apple Pie."

Of course it was always followed with a smile and a giggle, but that smile and giggle said it all. Does he eat apple pie for breakfast everyday? Of course not, and he knows eating dessert (literally) first everyday would not be smart. However, we all need a little treat every now and then. Live life just a tiny bit reckless from time to time! Which leads me to my next life lesson from the Greatest Man on Earth!

- Give Yourself a Break

It is okay to stop and smell the roses. Yes, we have a whole list of things we planned out that need to be accomplished, but we all need time to slow down everyday. My sweet Papa takes a midday nap nearly every single day, and he promises they go a long way! I don't know about you, but I can attest to the fact that naps do improve your outlook on your day. They are healthy and needed.

Even if you don't take a nap, take some time to truly rest. Relax. Unwind. Whether you unwind before bed or unwind in the middle of your work day. Take a walk. Do some breathing exercises. Most importantly, give your brain a moment to just be. Give your brain a moment to take care of your body, not just the things around you.

- Exercise

Yeah, we all know this one. We have heard it time and time again, but I am telling you, every morning that 86 year old man gets up, stretches, goes on a walk, and lifts weights. Maybe I am the only one, but I don't even exercise that much every day, but he encourages me without even saying a thing to take care of my body physically so I can take care of myself mentally and spiritually.

- Don't Be Afraid to Dance

This goes without saying in my opinion. For some, dancing is scary and they don't feel like they are good at it, but let me ask you a question...

Have you ever been to a senior center line dance class?

Well I have and it is amazing. Rows of seniors lined up and dancing their hearts out. Some are there to socialize, some to workout, and some are there to have fun. The point is, they are dancing and loving the life God has blessed them with. Each of them keep going despite what trials life brought them. Each of them smiling and moving and making their day worth while. They are not waiting around for someone to invite them over or entertain them. They get up and take themselves to line dancing and my Papa soaks in every minute.

So yeah! Don't be afraid to get out there in the world and dance around! Try new things and quit waiting on someone else to try them with you or invite you to try something with them. Step out of your comfort zone and live! Dance!!

- No Matter Your Circumstances, Live Big!

I am 5'7" and stand, at the least, a head taller than my Papa. His whole life, he said people would make fun of his size. He is very petite and was even nicknamed Mighty Mouse. But did you catch that? Mighty! He joined the navy when he was read that right...and served on a Prisoner of War Ship in the Korean War. He rode a motorcycle and bleached his hair blonde! He was a professional boxer who never lost a fight (true story) and became husband, father and grandfather, laying tile on his hands and knees to provide for his family.

Everyone he meets, they fall in love with him and he never meets a stranger. No matter the cards your dealt in life, you live it and live it big! Don't let the things you can't control in life define how you live it.

- Embrace the Color in the World

My grandmother, Papa's wife, always painted the walls white in her house. She passed away in 2013 from Alzheimer's disease after my Papa never left her side the five years she fought it. We said our goodbye's on Thanksgiving day and began to learn how to live without her there. They were married for over 50 years when she was called home.

But my Papa grabbed a paintbrush. Pretty soon, the walls in his home were covered in greens, purples, blue, yellow, red, orange, you name it. The ceiling was painted purple and his bedroom was red, white and blue. The dining room is home to 13 different colors and the walls have stars, lighting bolts and music notes everywhere. There are stuffed animals on the walls in bedrooms and one room stays decorated for Christmas year round.

When asked why the drastic change he said,

"Look around in the world. God made all the colors to go together. They all match and coordinate. All I think when I paint is 'don't drop the brush' and it reminds me how powerful God is. It is beautiful."

It is. Look around. Why would we have the rainbow if God didn't want us to embrace all the colors? Life is beautiful, so embrace the colors inside it!

and finally... maybe the most important of all...

- Life is On

For years, this has been Papa's life motto. I encourage you to make it yours. Papa has lived through wars, heartbreak, sickness, death, endings, beginnings, and just everyday life, yet he will tell you to this day, he is the most blessed man on the planet. He is courageous, virtuous, spontaneous, goofy, full of wisdom, and radiating love.

He taught me how a lady should be treating and how a man should act. He cries when he needs to and laughs when he wants to. He loves the hummingbirds that come to his feeder and the roses he grows in his backyard. He takes pictures of his bushes and the pants he patched up. He burst into song to answer questions or just during conversations. He serves and encourages, cooks and cleans, and always wants you know how important you are to him.

He loves golf and painting, dancing and writing poems. He loves music and adventures and will never turn down ice cream. He is the greatest man on the planet because to him, life is always on. Even on the rainy days when all that there is to do is wash clothes and do the bills, he rejoices in it. He is a king in his own right and knows that his Father in heaven is constantly watching over him. He raises his hand everyday to the heavens and says,

"Thank you Jesus! I am a blessed man!"

Your strength,God, is the king’s strength.

Helped, he’s hollering Hosannas.

You gave him exactly what he wanted;

you didn’t hold back.

You filled his arms with gifts;

you gave him a right royal welcome.

He wanted a good life; you gave it to him,

and then made it a long life as a bonus.

You lifted him high and bright as a cumulus cloud,

then dressed him in rainbow colors.

You pile blessings on him;

you make him glad when you smile.

Is it any wonder the king loves God?

that he’s sticking with the Best?

Psalm 21:1-7 The Message

A long life. A good life. He is bright and dressed in rainbow colors. God's blessings are piled on him. Is it any wonder he loves God? Not to me. 86 years on this earth and 100 more to go if you ask me.

Learn from him, as I have and am doing. He is truly the Greatest Man on the Planet.

Happy Birthday Papa! My love for you grows deeper everyday. ❤️

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