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Writer's pictureJoy Grace

MLB Field of Dreams

It's been a minute since I wrote on here. For some reason, I felt like this was worth saying on a larger scale than Facebook. I think some could argue that this blog is not larger than Facebook, but to me it is. I get to share more of my heart here than I do on Facebook or Instagram, though it does not come as often. Bigger pieces of my heart are on here. More in depth. So, without further ado, here we go.

If you are a sports cinema fan, then you have most definitely seen "Field of Dreams" starring Kevin Costner. Well... this may come as a surprise to you (or not), but I don't believe I have ever seen it. However, it is so prevalent in today's pop culture that I know it is a baseball themed movie about a baseball field being built in a corn field. Oh, and the famous line that goes something like, "If you build it, they will come."

Well, the MLB decided that it would have a Field of Dreams inspired night. The White Socks and Yankees competed at the beloved movie site for a regular season game on Thursday night, August 12, 2021. Kevin Costner himself walked out of the corn followed by the teams, kicking off the night with a speech. Check out the speech below with the YouTube link!

Skip to 6:31 on the video if you want to see the speech I am talking about. But hey... watch the whole thing. Wow. Sooooo well done.

And ya know what I got from that speech? God is in everything. As I watch clip after clip of this event and I listen to Mr. Costner’s speech, I realize the impact we have on the kingdom of God. If a make believe Hollywood movie can create this much commotion, how much bigger will it be when Christ returns.

“If you build it, they will come.” This reminded me of Matthew 18:3. God tells us to come to Him like a child. Each morning, if I come to Him, I come kicking, screaming, whining, and crying. Much like a child. Yet, children are also hopeful, joyous, assured and loved. I wish I came to Him like a child more often. I am working everyday to keep it up. Costner's line also reminded me that if we as Christ’s children, love others, then they will come to know Jesus.

If this little movie, can create such an emotional, remarkable connection inside the hearts of fans and followers alike, then how much more is God’s connection with His children? Me and you?

Today was also a special day at Shades Mountain Baptist Church. We officially began the transition period from Pastor Danny Wood to Pastor George Wright. As the Woods walked out of the sanctuary this morning, as I sat and watched these clips, as I looked back on my life, I realized the impact even the smallest things make in our lives. The simplest thing we can do, “Love one another as Christ loved you.” (John 13:34) That truly changes the world. Every minute, every hour, every day. Loving people like you have never been hurt.

Loving people is hard. But just like a child never meets a stranger, we should never meet someone we don’t love… because God first loved us.

God loves us as if we never wrongfully hung Him on a cross.

"The dream is still alive." Costner said. Though he was talking about baseball, I couldn't help but think about my Father. How, though he was wrongfully hung on a cross for my sins, He is alive and sitting on His throne. The King of kings.

Lastly, one more thing Costner kept asking. "Is this heaven?" Don't get me wrong, the movie, I am sure, is wonderful. The field, the night, the game, all of it amazing, but it is nothing. Nothing compared to the lavish celebration prepared for us. The things we cannot see (2 Corinthians 4:16-18). Nothing compared to heaven, where He is seated at the right hand of God who gives us the Holy Spirit to guide us.

So, thank you, MLB, for reminding me tonight of the impact we have in the kingdom of God. Whether you meant to or not, you shared the love of Christ, if to nobody else, to me tonight.

Thank you, Jesus, for all of your nods today!

(I do not own the rights to these photos. They were taken from MLB press.)

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