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Writer's pictureJoy Grace

Standing Silent

I have two things I want to talk about today.

First, I hate being still. I hate quiet. When I first moved to Samford University, the girl I was supposed to move in with decided not to move in. For my entire first semester of "big girl college", I cried a lot. I hated waking up in silence with no one on the other side of that tiny dorm room.

When I am having a conversation with someone and the conversation just stalls, that silence is deafening! Talk to me! Play a card game with me! Let's do something!

AND YET.. God calls me to be still.

Psalm 46:10 reads,

He says, "Be still, and know that I am God;

I will be exalted among the nations,

I will be exalted in the earth."

Be still (or cease striving, cease hurrying, be still, be quiet, stand silent) and know that I am God. I am exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth.

What God is saying here in Psalm 46:10 is that in order to truly grasp His majesty, we must first stand silent enough to let the weight of who He is, sink in. He is SO grand and SO amazing, and SO holy. In order for us to even begin to understand who God is, we must first be still.

God hits home in the silence.

So, right now, I ask you to be still. We have plenty of moments ahead to move and think and dance and sing, but right now, be still. As you read this, be still. I want to ask you to get into a position of receiving. Place your hands out in front of you, palms toward the heavens, and close your eyes.

Go on, I can wait for ya! Take your time, and be still. Listening to God as long as you need. Then, keep reading! :)


Lord, whatever you have for my dear reader, help them to hear you. Fill their hearts and their soul with everything you have to say to them in this moment. Give them ears to listen. Let me be a vessel to my dear reader. Speak through me as I type these words.


Ready to continue? Let's go!

The second thing I want to talk to you about is Jehoshaphat. Jehoshaphat's story is found in 2 Chronicles 20. I encourage you to take the time to go read the chapter to hear the full story! For now, I will give you a synopsis!

The Moabites and the Ammonites were trying to wage war on Jehoshaphat, but Jehoshaphat was fighting for the Lord.

"The people of God were so confused. They were crying out to Him saying, 'We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you."

The text literally says that all the men of Judah, with their wives and children and little ones, stood before the Lord.

Immediately after this happens, the spirit of the Lord came down and told King Jehoshaphat not to be afraid or discouraged. Even though these two armies were coming to attack you and your people, don't be afraid. Take up your positions, stand firm and you will not have to fight this battle. The Lord will be with you.

(If that were me, I probably would have been like... "yeah okay but like I'm a little afraid. And um... how? How will you fight for me?")

Do you know what Jehoshaphat and all his people did?? Jehoshaphat sent a CHOIR to the front lines of his army to SING to the Lord and to PRAISE Him for the splendor of His holiness!!

"Give thanks to the Lord, for His love endures forever." That is what the choir sang! Without fear! On the front lines!

THE FRONT LINES. A choir. Let it sink in...

To make a long story short, they WON the battle!! They won with a choir on the front lines! They won praising their creator, their protector, their father, their salvation, their LORD.

The same Lord that fought for them, is fighting for you... right now. I know, this season of life is so difficult. Everything is up in the air.

No one knows what will happen with school. No one knows what will happen with athletics. No one knows if they should come to church in person or watch from home online.

When will we not have to wear a mask?

AND those are worries are accompanied by the worries of everyday life!

When should I mow?

I gotta do my bills.

I need to work but who will take care of my kids?

Am I spending enough time with people? Am I taking care of myself?

Should I eat this Oreo or that apple? (This one is a joke, but... should I?)

My point is, these battles we fight every day outwardly and within ourselves, do not have to be fought alone. We need only to be still. The Lord will fight for us.

We are not called to do the fighting; we are called to do the singing.

Give thanks for His enduring love. Give thanks that silence is where God speaks. Give thanks that we do not have to fight alone.

I encourage you to finish out this read, by listening to your favorite worship song. Or, if you're not sure what to look up, I have some of my favorites listed below! If no one has told you yet today, I love you! Don't forget that the hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times! Let God fight for you in the stillness today!


Waymaker - Leeland

Holy Water - We the Kingdom

Graves Into Gardens - Elevation Worship

Is He Worthy - Chris Tomlin

Worship (The Album) - Caleb + Kelsey

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